Latest News

  • MLBA Newsletter January 2018


    Missouri Limousin Breeders and family,
    A Greek philosopher is quoted as saying “change is the only constant in life.” As a breed, we have seen our breed of cattle change tremendously over the last decade to keep up with the changing demands. With the introduction of Lim-Flex cattle we can now cover the many facets of the industry within our own breed, from Fullblood to Purebred to Lim-Flex, we can do it all. One size does not fit all in the cattle industry and our breed has given many of our breeders the ability to offer the commercial buyer more than one option, a one stop shop if you will.

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    Genetic variance and covariance and breed differences for feed intake and average daily gain to improve feed efficiency in growing cattle
    Click here to read the research article.

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  • MLBA Newsletter September 2017


    Missouri Limousin Breeders and family,
    As the dog days of summer come to an end, and the summer fairs have come and gone, cattlemen across the country are busy with fall work. From weaning the spring born calves, cutting hay, fall born calves being born, planning for and attending sales and preparing for winter that is around the corner; the work never ends. As I hear often, the work goes on and on and on.

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  • MLBA Newsletter May 2017


    Missouri Limousin Breeders and family,
    First and foremost, thank you for allowing me to serve on the board again. I am honored to be able to serve as your president for the upcoming year.

    The Good Lord has definitely blessed most of us with abundant rainfall to green up our grass. I pray none of you had any significant damage due to flooding.

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  • MLBA Newsletter January 2017


    MLBA members: Happy New Year!

    The MLBA board has been busy and we are excited to get your feedback. You will find a survey enclosed in this letter about a bull test and possible bull sale. We want everyone’s input so we can get a feel for how many would be interested in participating or having these results from the test to use in advertising. If you have questions, please call.

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