MLBA Newsletter January 2017


MLBA members: Happy New Year!

The MLBA board has been busy and we are excited to get your feedback. You will find a survey enclosed in this letter about a bull test and possible bull sale. We want everyone’s input so we can get a feel for how many would be interested in participating or having these results from the test to use in advertising. If you have questions, please call.

The MLBA annual banquet will be April 8 in Lebanon, Missouri. Meal will be provided for all MLBA current members. The annual spring sale will follow on April 9 watch our website for entry forms. If anyone has questions or would like more information, please contact one of your board members.

You will also find enclosed a new MLBA herdbook for your 2017 recordkeeping. We hope you find these useful. Let us know what you think of them! Hope everyone has a great 2017!

Jack Glendenning
417-588-6121 text or call


The MLBA 2017 Field Day will be held the weekend of June 9, 10 and 11. The show will be held in conjunction with the Missouri Cattlemen’s Association All-Breeds Show at the Missouri State Fairgrounds in Sedalia. If you have any ideas or activities you would like to see implemented, please let us know. Thanks.

Ty Heavin


NALJA JUNIOR NATIONALS will be held July 1-7 at Grand Island, Nebraska, and hosted by the Heartland Limousin Association. Missouri will be responsible for serving on one day, therefore we are giving heads up for volunteers once we determine the day.

Also, we are looking for any businesses that might donate paper products cups, plates, etc.

We will need people to fill various committees leading up to and the week of junior nationals.

Regarding the original painting that is being completed as a fundraiser, there still remain openings in the stands of the painting at $100 per spot. If interested, send photo and payment to Norma Effertz, or let me know.

Thanks, TJ Callahan


Every current paid MLBA member is receiving a new 2017 MLBA Herdbook for your use. If you like it, thank Ty Heavin for pushing this action.


Our Treasurer, Nathan Hunt, is in process of mailing out 2017 MLBA Membership statements. Your continued, or renewed active membership and participation is much welcomed. The effectiveness of any organization is limited only by the level of participation and involvement of the people who actively engage and support the cause.


The MLBA Board of Directors is hereby proposing a new idea to the MLBA members for consideration. MLBA would sponsor a 32-bull pen for performance and feed efficiency testing of registered Limousin/Lim-Flex bulls at the Green Springs Bull Test (GSBT), Nevada, MO, (Kent Abele). Available at a reduced $200 cost for MLBA members ONLY, Kent will offer a $25 discount, and MLBA would also match with an additional $25 discount from the standard $250 registration fee per head. This would provide opportunity for individual MLBA members to obtain performance and feed efficiency data on their bull(s) at a reduced rate along with other Limousin bulls. Kent estimated current total costs for entry fees, yardage, feed, testing, and veterinary services would range from $650 – $750 per animal. Once the test period is completed, assistance would be given by GSPB should the owner desire to include the bull(s) in the sale.

In exchange for MLBA’s $25 contribution, the MLBA Board of Directors would use the summarized test data ONLY to promote the quality of our MLBA Limousin/Lim-Flex bulls in various marketing venues. GSBT’s internal bull numbering system would limit knowledge of individual bull test data progress/results between the owner and Kent Abele.

Technical information and pre-requisite requirements for enrollment can be found at Kent Abele strongly urged bull owners should select from their best performance high-quality calves, not to nominate a marginal animal. MLBA’s intent would be to showcase/test our collective top quality bulls. GSBT will be the sole final determiner of all animals allowed to be included in the bull test. MLBA is willing to coordinate transportation from central points with other MLBA members to reduce haul time/cost impact on individual breeders that require a long distance to the bull test near Nevada.


1. Should there be enough interest to pursue the above specified bull test for MLBA members, would you be interested in participating? Yes/NO.

2. If so, how many Fall-born 2016 bull calves would you estimate enrolling for the upcoming 1 June 2017 bull test group? _____________

3. If so, how many Spring-born 2017 bull calves would you estimate enrolling for the 1 November 2017 bull Test group? ____________ If you respond, we will follow up later with more details and final commitment numbers.

Reminder: we will need approximately 32 bulls in order to sponsor a pen.

Please respond directly to Paul Junkans, MLBA Secretary via e-mail, snail mail, or phone NLT 15 February 2017.
My cell phone: 573-305-0420. e-mail: Mailing address: 13002 Route H, Henley, MO 65040